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Eigenschappen dr. Pierre-Marie Gallois boeken

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dr. Pierre-Marie Gallois boeken?

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Extra informatie dr. Pierre-Marie Gallois

Expert in industrial management, lean manufacturing and supply chain management

Pierre-Marie Gallois is an Affiliate Professor at ESCP-EAP. He is also President of PROCONSEIL Consulting Group.

He is an expert in industrial management, Lean manufacturing, Supply Chain Management and in Performance and continuous improvement management.

While supporting industrial companies in the development of their competitiveness and in their progress plans, professor Gallois teaches in universities and takes part in research projects.

At ESCP-EAP, professor Gallois is involved in the MBA and executives programs teaching Operations Management, Industrial excellence and Global Supply Chain.

During his career, professor Gallois has been involved in several international research programs in the field of Advanced Manufacturing. He was a member of the International Technical Committee in the IMS research programme (Intelligent Manufacturing Systems).

He has conducted study trips in Japan and in the Far East and has participated in numerous national and international conferences as a lecturer promoting new approaches for industrial excellence. He has also been involved in the “Joint Management Development Program” in Johannesburg, South Africa.

He has published many articles, working documents (“Global synchronous manufacturing and logistics organization, a success story” in Supply Chain Forum 09/2000, “Production synchrone et logistique globale” in Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle 03/2001, …) and two books on the management of industrial performance: Evaluation for Evolution, 1992 and From Stone to Cathedral, 1996.

He started his career as an advisor to the Ministry of Industry in Cameroon; then he joined the Vallourec’s Group (world leading company in steel pipes production) where he held various management positions. Then, before joining PROCONSEIL, he has been International Managing Consultant with CAP GEMINI (the European leader of professional services).

Professor Pierre-Marie Gallois is a graduate engineer (MSc.). He took his degree at the “École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées” (Paris 1974). He holds the APICS (Association for operations management – USA) Certification in Industrial Management (1987) at the Fellow level and a Certification in Theory Of Constraints.

dr. Pierre-Marie Gallois boeken? Informeer vrijblijvend naar de boekingsmogelijkheden van dr. Pierre-Marie Gallois.

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