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Eigenschappen Michael Ignatieff boeken

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Michael Ignatieff boeken?

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BURO2010 is Nederlands grootste artiestenbureau waar u alle artiesten direct en online kunt boeken tegen de laagste prijzen. Op deze pagina vindt u alle informatie met betrekking tot het boeken van Michael Ignatieff.

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Extra informatie Michael Ignatieff

One of the most influential voices in the global debate on human rights

Michael Ignatieff, prominent Canadian author and academic, was first elected in 2006 as the Member of Parliament for Etobicoke Lakeshore. Michael currently serves as Deputy Leader of the Liberal Opposition.

Prior to entering politics, Michael earned an international reputation working as journalist, author and academic in the field of human rights and international affairs. He is the former director of the Carr Centre for Human Rights and Policy at Harvard University and has served as the Chancellor Jackman Visiting Professor in Human rights Policy at the University of Toronto and Senior Fellow of the Munk Centre for International Studies. He is one of the most influential voices in the global debate on human rights, as well as the distinguished author of an acclaimed biography of British academic Sir Isaiah Berlin and such award-winning works as Blood and Belonging and The Rights Revolution.

Michael received a degree in History at the University of Toronto and a doctorate at Harvard University. He is a former Senior Research Fellow at King’s College, Cambridge, and has held teaching posts at the University of British Columbia, Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, the University of California, the University of London and the London School of Economics.

Michael has written extensively about the challenges Canada faces in the 21st Century and the urgency of making Canada’s voice strong and credible on the international stage. In his keynote address to the Liberal Party of Canada’s Biennial Policy Convention in March 2005, Michael stressed the importance of remaining true to our cherished Liberal values – “generosity, unity, sovereignty, justice, and the courage to choose, the will to govern.”

He is a recipient of the Governor General’s Award for Non-Fiction and the Heinemann Award, and was shortlisted for the prestigious Booker Prize for Fiction and the Whitbread Novel Award. Michael has also been a regular broadcaster and critic on television and radio.

Michael Ignatieff boeken? Informeer vrijblijvend naar de boekingsmogelijkheden van Michael Ignatieff.

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BURO2010 is het directe en officiële boekingskantoor voor de boekingen van vele andere bekende artiesten, sprekers, sporters en overig entertainment. Artiestenburo2010.nl is tevens boekingsbureau van Michael Ignatieff.
Wij staan in direct contact met alle artiestenmanagements en kunnen u binnen een dag voorzien van een offerte voor Michael Ignatieff. Uiteraard kunnen wij voor u ook de beschikbaarheid van Michael Ignatieff checken, een gratis optie plaatsen op Michael Ignatieff en de boeking(en) van Michael Ignatieff voor u administreren en bevestigen middels een contract (geen extra boekingskosten!).

Wilt u meer artiesten boeken, ander entertainment inhuren, of zoekt u een professionele partner voor de regie, productie en totaalorganisatie van uw event? Laat u vrijblijvend informeren via: info@buro2010.nl – 036-7600140.

MANAGEMENT Michael Ignatieff, BOEKINGSBUREAU Michael Ignatieff, BOEKINGSBURO Michael Ignatieff, ENTERTAINMENTBUREAU Michael Ignatieff, ENTERTAINMENTBURO Michael Ignatieff, ARTIESTENBUREAU Michael Ignatieff, BOEKINGSKANTOOR Michael Ignatieff, IMPRESARIAAT Michael Ignatieff, MUZIEKBURO Michael Ignatieff, MUZIEKBUREAU Michael Ignatieff, ARTIESTENBOEKINGSBUREAU Michael Ignatieff, ARTIESTENBOEKINGSBURO Michael Ignatieff, ARTIESTENBOEKINGSKANTOOR Michael Ignatieff.


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