Sprekers boeken BURO2010

Eigenschappen Bruce King boeken

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Bruce King boeken?

Bruce King boeken of inhuren voor een optreden?

BURO2010 is Nederlands grootste artiestenbureau waar u alle artiesten direct en online kunt boeken tegen de laagste prijzen. Op deze pagina vindt u alle informatie met betrekking tot het boeken van Bruce King.

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Extra informatie Bruce King

Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker & Sales MasterClass Presenter

Bruce King has spent more than 25 years working with organizations and speaking to audiences around the world on the subjects of increasing sales and achieving more in any area of their business and personal life – in other words – helping companies and individuals to become ‘World-Class Achievers’.

He is a member the Fellow of The Institute of Sales Marketing Management (FInstSMM) and a Fellow of the Institute of Directors (FInstD), one of Europe’s most prestigious business organizations. Sitting on the board of several companies has also provided him with the knowledge of what companies want and need to be successful.

He is often asked how he is able to achieve the extraordinary results that he does with the people he works with. Bruce King believes that everyone has an extraordinary capacity for achieving great success. He knows how to help people identify what may be holding them back from achieving what they want out of their lives and their careers and I take them through some very simple processes to remove those barriers to becoming World-Class Achievers. He can do that with a small group or a large audience.

He does not, however, believe in ‘hype’. To him, that’s like trying to light a damp bonfire with petrol. If you’ve ever tried it – and it’s dangerous – there’s a big flash, a burst of flames, and after a few minutes the fire has usually gone out. How many times have you been to a conference or workshop, left feeling very motivated and then forgotten most of what you learned just a few days later? That doesn’t work for Bruce King. He does motivate and inspire people to want to achieve extraordinary success, and he achieves that in a quieter and far more effective way. People can relate to him, learn with him and as a result, believe they really do have all that it takes to become World-Class Achievers.”

When it comes to helping people to increase their sales dramatically, he has the advantage of having ‘been there – done that – bought the T-Shirt’. And he is still selling most days in some way or another – aren’t we all? If we are not directly employed to sell our organization’s products and services, we are still selling our ideas to our team, the press, our financiers, our shareholders our suppliers and a host of other people. Bruce thinks that everyone in business is in sales – or at least should be!

Bruce King has an personal mission and is to motivate and inspire people to believe they can achieve anything they want in life and give them the techniques they need in order that they may become world-class achievers.

Bruce King boeken? Informeer vrijblijvend naar de boekingsmogelijkheden van Bruce King.

Wilt u extra boekingsinformatie ontvangen over het boeken of inhuren van Bruce King, neem dan gerust contact met ons op.
Onze accountmanagers informeren u graag, gratis en vrijblijvend over de meest actuele prijs van Bruce King en de eventuele overige kosten om een optreden van Bruce King mogelijk te maken (o.a. podium, techniek, optionele verzekering, btw-%).
BURO2010 is het directe en officiële boekingskantoor voor de boekingen van vele andere bekende artiesten, sprekers, sporters en overig entertainment. Artiestenburo2010.nl is tevens boekingsbureau van Bruce King.
Wij staan in direct contact met alle artiestenmanagements en kunnen u binnen een dag voorzien van een offerte voor Bruce King. Uiteraard kunnen wij voor u ook de beschikbaarheid van Bruce King checken, een gratis optie plaatsen op Bruce King en de boeking(en) van Bruce King voor u administreren en bevestigen middels een contract (geen extra boekingskosten!).

Wilt u meer artiesten boeken, ander entertainment inhuren, of zoekt u een professionele partner voor de regie, productie en totaalorganisatie van uw event? Laat u vrijblijvend informeren via: info@buro2010.nl – 036-7600140.



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