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Eigenschappen Drs. Hans van Grieken boeken

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Drs. Hans van Grieken boeken?

Drs. Hans van Grieken boeken of inhuren voor een optreden?

BURO2010 is Nederlands grootste artiestenbureau waar u alle artiesten direct en online kunt boeken tegen de laagste prijzen. Op deze pagina vindt u alle informatie met betrekking tot het boeken van Drs. Hans van Grieken.

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Extra informatie Drs. Hans van Grieken

Vice President Research Gartner
What can a hospital learn from the hotel business, or a retailer from the intelligence community? These are questions that have been daily discussions for Hans van Grieken over the past 16 years. Mr. Van Grieken joined Gartner in September 2015 as a Research VP within the Office of the CIO Research team. He has 28 years of experience in the business and IT world. Over the past 16 years, he was involved in numerous strategic business innovation initiatives that were focused on transferring proven technological innovations from one industry sector to another. Given his broad international exposure to a great number of industries – ranging from manufacturing to retail and from public security to tax – Mr. Van Grieken is well-positioned to coach and help CIOs improve their business added value and relevance, and thereby boost their boardroom presence and business-relevant contributions.Mr. van Grieken has 16 years of experience as a global keynote speaker on (IT-driven) innovation and disruption. Before that, he developed 13 years of management experience in marketing, communications and public relations for a broad range of technology companies. Mr. van Grieken combines specific sector/industry knowledge with relevant emerging IT areas and trends. Over the past 15 years, he was also an executive lecturer to a technical university and two business schools, and currently, he is a part-time faculty member of Nyenrode International Business School in the Netherlands.Educational Focus: Disruptive Innovation by Digital Transformation Although the impact of digitization is not new, the digital economy is entering a new age that presents unprecedented challenges for both companies as well as public sector organizations. Digital tools are invading the business environment, provoking significant changes in the way we work, communicate, sell and “service” customers and citizens. Particularly data-driven tools that enable rapid change and deployment (SMAC: Social/Mobile/Analytics and Cloud) are changing the overall IT landscape, a trend significantly influenced by the “consumerization of IT”. As a result, lots of decisions that relate to “client facing/interacting” technologies are taken out of the hands (and the budget!) of the “traditional” IT department and are put into the hands of the business side of the organization. In his role as Executive Lecturer to Nyenrode Business University, Hans van Grieken focusses on the disruptive nature of these trends, both for existing organizations as well as for (future) disruptors: • How do other companies than the obvious Apple’s and Google’s of this world make this transformation? • What are relevant industry sector differences to notice and understand? • how do they monitor what comes out of the global technology push and translate this to their existing and possible different future business models? • How do they identify/copy/translate best practices from other industries to their own organization? • How do they “synchronize” the dynamics and agility of the front end technologies they apply with the inflexibility and huge maintenance cost of their legacy IT environment? • How do they harness themselves to the disruptive potential of future entrants that enable themselves through these new technologies without the burden of legacy IT systems to “slow them down” In short: as a future leader, how do you enable, lead and govern a digital transformation?Professional BackgroundCapgemini, Vice President Business Innovation, 15 years Publicis/FCB, Global Account Director Technology Customers, 3 years Volmac Software Group, Marketing and Communications Director, 10 yearsAreas of CoverageDigital MarketingSupply ChainConsumer TechnologiesEmerging Trends Technologies

Drs. Hans van Grieken boeken? Informeer vrijblijvend naar de boekingsmogelijkheden van Drs. Hans van Grieken.

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Onze accountmanagers informeren u graag, gratis en vrijblijvend over de meest actuele prijs van Drs. Hans van Grieken en de eventuele overige kosten om een optreden van Drs. Hans van Grieken mogelijk te maken (o.a. podium, techniek, optionele verzekering, btw-%).
BURO2010 is het directe en officiële boekingskantoor voor de boekingen van vele andere bekende artiesten, sprekers, sporters en overig entertainment. Artiestenburo2010.nl is tevens boekingsbureau van Drs. Hans van Grieken.
Wij staan in direct contact met alle artiestenmanagements en kunnen u binnen een dag voorzien van een offerte voor Drs. Hans van Grieken. Uiteraard kunnen wij voor u ook de beschikbaarheid van Drs. Hans van Grieken checken, een gratis optie plaatsen op Drs. Hans van Grieken en de boeking(en) van Drs. Hans van Grieken voor u administreren en bevestigen middels een contract (geen extra boekingskosten!).

Wilt u meer artiesten boeken, ander entertainment inhuren, of zoekt u een professionele partner voor de regie, productie en totaalorganisatie van uw event? Laat u vrijblijvend informeren via: info@buro2010.nl – 036-7600140.

MANAGEMENT Drs. Hans van Grieken, BOEKINGSBUREAU Drs. Hans van Grieken, BOEKINGSBURO Drs. Hans van Grieken, ENTERTAINMENTBUREAU Drs. Hans van Grieken, ENTERTAINMENTBURO Drs. Hans van Grieken, ARTIESTENBUREAU Drs. Hans van Grieken, BOEKINGSKANTOOR Drs. Hans van Grieken, IMPRESARIAAT Drs. Hans van Grieken, MUZIEKBURO Drs. Hans van Grieken, MUZIEKBUREAU Drs. Hans van Grieken, ARTIESTENBOEKINGSBUREAU Drs. Hans van Grieken, ARTIESTENBOEKINGSBURO Drs. Hans van Grieken, ARTIESTENBOEKINGSKANTOOR Drs. Hans van Grieken.

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